corporate history

The Grumman Corporation of
Bethpage, New York, has
been one of the handful of
military aircraft builders
since the 1940s. During
World War II it
manufactured a series of
U.S. Navy fighter planes
that were highly
dependable and resilient.
Grumman was the Navy's
prime aircraft
manufacturer in the early
1940s and most of its
business came from the
Navy. But after the war,
as other companies began
vying for navy contracts,
Grumman decided to
diversify and build some
non-military planes. It
also entered the new field
of space flight. Still,
from the late 1940s to the
company's demise in 1994,
Grumman maintained a
strong relationship with
the Navy and built several
key aircraft for the
seafaring service.

As World War II was
ending, the aviation
industry began developing
the jet engine. A new era
of flight was dawning, and
Grumman engineers worked
on perfecting the new
technology. By 1949, they
had created the F9F
Panther, the company's
first combat jet and the
Navy's primary fighter
plane of the Korean War.
It was a carrier-based
aircraft that used several
weapons systems and
handled a variety of
missions ranging from
protecting heavy bombers
to photoreconnaissance. It
also excelled at
individual strafing and
bombing runs. During the
war, F9Fs would fly more
than 78,000 combat
In the mid 1950s,
competition among various
aircraft companies for
military business became
intense. One corporation,
McDonnell, was
particularly interested in
securing a navy contract
for an all-purpose
fighter. McDonnell edged
Grumman out as the Navy's
top supplier of jet
fighters with its superior
Phantom. It would take
Grumman more than a decade
to design a plane that
would supplant the
Despite Grumman's loss to
McDonnell, the company
continued to build some
key naval aircraft,
especially surveillance
and detection planes. In
1953, Grumman introduced
the S2F Tracker, a
hunter/killer aircraft.
This twin-engine plane
excelled at electronic
tracking and antisubmarine
warfare; it would "hunt"
down its enemy using its
detection equipment and
then "kill" it with its
vast array of weapons. The
Tracker was the first U.S.
In February 1958, Grumman
produced its second major
naval surveillance plane.
The WF-2 Tracer was the
first carrier-based
airborne early-warning
aircraft. It could detect
enemy offensive weapons at
great distances and
coordinate friendly
aircraft for a
counter-attack. One of the
most remarkable aspects of
the Tracer was the large
radar dish that rested on
top of the plane's
fuselage. The radar looked
like a huge mushroom and
was almost two-thirds the
size of the actual plane.
The Tracer became one of
the premier intelligence
planes of the late 1950s
and remained that way
until Grumman improved it
and built the Hawkeye.
The E-2B Hawkeye, which
first came into service in
October 1960, has remained
one of the most important
US military planes to
date. With
surveillance equipment,
and the ability to refuel
in flight, the Hawkeye
was, and newer models
continue to be, one of the
most advanced surveillance
aircraft. In the mid
1970s, its ATDS (airborne
tactical data system)
could track as many as 200
enemy targets at once and
develop a logical counter
strike plan. In 1991, the
Hawkeye played a key role
in the Persian Gulf War
and in 2002, is poised to
make some vital
contributions to America's
war on terrorism.
When Grumman lost its hold
as the prime manufacturer
of the Navy's first strike
fighter, it decided to
diversify and build
products for the
commercial market. One of
its first successes was
the 1956 Ag-Cat, a
single-seat, crop-dusting
biplane. In 1958, Grumman
unveiled its Gulfstream, a
small corporate,
land-based transport plane
that held 19 passengers.
The Gulfstream was a huge
commercial success. In
fact, it did well enough
to warrant another model,
the Gulfstream II, a
twinjet that debuted in
October 1966. Grumman even
built canoes, a few
experimental hydrofoil
boats, a submarine, and
delivery trucks in the
1950s and 1960s.
Despite Grumman's move
into the commercial
market, it still kept
entering design
competitions for navy
combat planes. In the late
1950s, the strategy paid
off when the Navy selected
Grumman to build a new
all-weather, low-altitude
attack plane. Although not
the top-of-the-line
fighter that Grumman most
desired, the A6 Intruder
was still a key combat
plane. Able to hold a
pilot and bombardier, this
carrier-based, subsonic
attack aircraft entered
service in April 1960 and
became an important weapon
during the Vietnam War.
With an electronic
attack-navigation system,
the Intruder faired quite
well against the enemy. It
also carried approximately
nine tons of bombs and
missiles. By 1965, the
Navy was so pleased with
the A-6 that it asked
Grumman for a more
advanced model—the EA-6B
Prowler. Essentially a
more sophisticated version
of the Intruder, it
incorporated a more
advanced electronic
countermeasures system and
a crew of four. The
Prowler saw heavy service
during the Persian Gulf
War and will undoubtedly
be an important weapon in
the war on terrorism.
When Grumman was
diversifying in the late
1950s, a huge new
market—space flight—opened
up. Grumman entered any
space design competition
it could. In 1960, it won
the contract for the
Orbiting Astronomical
Observatories (OAO). These
observatories were the
first space telescopes,
the direct forerunners of
the Hubble Space
Telescope. They were
serious scientific
instruments that provided
scientists with new views
of the universe. Grumman
built four OAOs in all.
Grumman's experience with
the OAOs helped it win the
contract for the Apollo
Lunar Module (LM), the
spacecraft that the U.S.
astronauts used to land on
the Moon. The LM was the
world's first true
spacecraft because it
operated totally outside
the Earth's atmosphere.
Many contemporaries called
it the "bug" because of
its four insect-like
looking landing legs that
attached to a gold
Mylar-covered, cube-shaped
descent stage. This stage
held the engine that
allowed it to descend to
the lunar surface. On top
of the descent unit rested
the ascent stage with the
ship's control room and
the engine that lifted it
off the Moon. Perhaps the
most important LM was not
the first one that landed
on the moon during the
July 1969 Apollo 11
mission but rather the one
the Apollo 13 astronauts
used as a "lifeboat"
during their ill-fated
mission in April 1970. In
all, Grumman built 12 LMs,
six of which landed on the
While Grumman was busy
manufacturing the LMs, the
company was also trying to
regain its position as the
Navy's top supplier of jet
fighters. Grumman
engineers began working on
a new fighter design
almost as soon as the
McDonnell Phantom
appeared. Their new
concept, a
fighter, first surfaced in
a design for the F-111B in
1964, but because the
F-111B never made it past
the prototype phase, due
to military inter-service
quarrelling, Grumman
engineers added the
concept to their new F-14
Tomcat. The Navy was
impressed with the plane
and agreed to make it
their front-line jet
fighter. In September
1972, the Tomcat began
replacing the Phantom on
U.S. aircraft carriers and
naval bases. Because it
could travel at Mach 2.5
at both ground and sea
level, and its extremely
flexible and superior
weapons system, the F-14
remained the Navy's best
all-around fighter for
well over 20 years.
Grumman began to run into
serious financial
difficulties in the 1980s.
Although it continued to
build Tomcats and Hawkeyes
well into that decade, the
end of the Cold War
seriously hurt the
military aviation market
and Grumman suffered
accordingly. Even though
the company had endured
massive layoffs after
World War II, with its
workforce falling from
approximately 25,500 to
3,300, it had still built
itself back up to around
37,000 workers by the mid
1960s. Nevertheless, by
1994, the company was
facing serious enough
financial problems that it
could no longer stand on
it own. Northrup, a
competing company,
purchased and subsumed
Grumman, forming the
Northrop Grumman
Corporation. For more than
60 years, Grumman had been
one of America's most
important military
aircraft builders and had
also built the spacecraft
that put humans on the
moon. But shortly after
the Cold War ended, a war
that had helped Grumman
thrive, the Long Island
company met its demise.
A Homebuilt in Certified
Clothing (The Yankee
The Yankee AA1 was
originally designed by Jim
Bede (of the Bede 4, 5,
and 10 fame) as the Bede
1. It was to be an
everyman's aircraft: easy
to build, fun to fly, and
aerobatic with
folding-wing, take-home
capabilities. But the
"everyman's" status was
never achieved. Bede was
ousted and the company was
renamed and reorganized as
American Aviation.
American took over the
production and design,
trying to turn the
exciting little two- seat
aircraft into a civilized
"production" plane.
Modifications included a
108-hp engine (instead of
the original 65 hp),
non-aerobatic, and
dimensions. It also became
airplane; the original
design might have been
better, but it was not to
The Yankee is a
neat-looking aircraft,
made from a different
process. The fuselage is a
sandwich of aluminium
honeycomb material that is
bonded (glued) together
(another forerunner to the
composite craze?). The
fuel tanks are also the
wing spars. The aluminium
tube fuel tank/spars are
small - only 22 gal, which
should mean a range of
about 4.4 hours at 5 gph.
Dream on! Most owners plan
on about 3 hours of
flying. But while chasing
birds and shooting down
the enemy, who wants to
fly cross-country anyway.
Simplicity is the word.
The fuel gauges are sight
tubes in the cockpit. The
nosewheel is a castoring
unit, steering is by
differential braking. This
wears out the brakes
sooner but also makes
parking in tight places a
breeze. Backing into the
hangar is an impossibility
without a tow bar (the
American Yankee
Association used to have a
"push your Yankee
backwards" competition
without using a tow bar!).
In general, everything
about the AA1 series is
simple. The ailerons and
flaps are on a long torque
tube. The tail feathers
are interchangeable, as
are the wings. The
maingear legs are
fibreglass. Most Yankees
are simply equipped. One
reason is room, another is
weight, but the best is
KISS - Keep It Simple
Stupid. The airplane was
designed as a trainer
(although many question if
it really was); it wasn't
designed for long
cross-country. Buying and
flying a Yankee is for
sheer enjoyment, not for
corporate transportation.
In 1972, Grumman acquired
American Aviation, and
released the improved
AA-5B with a more powerful
engine. A further upgraded
model, the Tiger,
was also offered.
Improvements to the basic
AA-5 in 1976 led to the
AA-5A and its upgraded
version, the Cheetah.
In 1978, Gulfstream
purchased Grumman
American, and AA-5
production paused whilst
production rights were
sold. It was not until
1990 that American General
Aircraft Corporation
returned the type to
production, as the AG-5B.
American General stopped
trading in 1994. The type
is now again manufactured
by Tiger Aircraft.
What about Safety?
Most pilots know the
airplane as the Yankee but
it went through a few
changes that also changed
the model names. Over 1770
aircraft were built from
1969 to 1978. The original
American AA1 Yankee
Clipper came out in 1969,
and the Yankee model
continued through 1971.
This first model was one
of the fastest; it also
had one of the worst
reputations for handling.
The wing airfoil and the
overall design created a
fast airplane that had a
quick stall (i.e.
dangerous for the
inexperienced) that would
roll over on a wing if the
pilot was behind the
airplane. It also lacked
enough rudder to get out
of spins. Placards noted
that spins were bad. In
fact, NASA did a spin test
with a Yankee and used
ballistic chutes to get it
to stop. Not good!
In 1971, the AA1 became
the AA1A and included a
better airfoil that
provided softer stall
characteristic. The 1973
model was the AA1B, which
offered the choice of
"trainer" with a climb
prop or "sport" with a
cruise prop. But 1977 saw
the biggest changes. The
original 108-hp Lycoming
O-235-C2C engine was
traded for a Lycoming
O-235-L2C that developed
115 hp. These models also
got a 1600-lb gross weight
and a larger elevator. The
T-Cat was the trainer and
the Lynx was the sport
version. (A bit of trivia:
Lycoming says that all
O-235 engines produce 115
hp at 2650 rpm. Is that
neat or what?)
Small and cheap to
operate, the Yankee had
the potential to be
better. Whatever the
negative results of the
design, the aircraft is
fun if flown by
knowledgeable pilots. As a
trainer it's considered
too "hot" by most because
it has a few nasty habits
that usually show up with
inexperienced pilots. Most
instructors prefer
teaching in a Cessna, but
there are some more
experienced instructors
who feel the "demanding
habits" of the Yankee make
it a better trainer,
helping students develop
more high-performance
skills. The Yankee is
definitely not for the
faint of heart or the slow
of reflex!
The aircraft is cute,
usually painted (from the
factory) in bright,
unusual aircraft colours -
red, yellow, orange, even
camouflage - anything to
set the aircraft apart.
The bright colours also
help the aircraft overcome
its small size. It has a
wingspan of 24'. A Cessna
150 has a span of 32'!
With an empty weight of
about 1000 lbs and a gross
of 1500 lbs, the useful is
only about 500 lbs (fuel,
passengers, and stuff). My
stuff usually weighs more
than is supposed to be
carried, especially with
my above-FAA standard 185
lbs and full fuel of 22
gal. Do a few
calculations: 185 lbs
pilot plus 132 lbs for
fuel equals 317 lbs. That
leaves 183 lbs for
passengers and baggage -
not really your
cross-country aircraft.
But if you think about the
aircraft design - small,
quick, fun, fuel thrifty -
it really has more of the
makings of a good
aircraft anyway. Just
watch the weight.

Compare the AA1A with the
Cessna 150 in the
specifications at the end
of this article. It's
amazing how close they are
in basic performance. They
require about the same
distances, same fuel burn,
etc. The numbers are
pretty close! Maybe the
Yankee isn't as "hot" as
some want you to believe?
Flying Fast
One thing to always
remember about the Yankee,
whatever model, is that it
likes pavement and it
likes runway. I never flew
mine intentionally out of
anything with less than
2000' of hard surface to
run on. That doesn't
include clear space at the
ends. Most insurance
companies want a runway
that has about 1.5 times
the takeoff distance over
a 50' obstacle. That means
at least 2100' of runway
for the AA1 (takeoff over
50 is 1400'). If it's hot,
look for more or stay
home! I said intentionally
because when I was
ferrying my aircraft home
for the first time, I had
to land on a grass strip
for fuel. It was the only
runway pointing into the
wind, a wind strong enough
that I couldn't hold a
slip towards touchdown and
stay over the runway. I
must admit that if it
wasn't for the high winds
and only myself on board
(and the flat, ploughed
fields of the Midwest), I
wouldn't have made it out
of the airport. The flight
in ground effect included
a turn to stay away from
the house on the property!
Taxiing is easy. With a
full-castoring nosewheel
all you do is roll and
touch, kind of like using
a computer mouse. Roll the
direction you want to go
and push the brakes to
turn the aircraft. The
concept is, again, simple.
Plus, when you get into
those tight parking spots
all you do is taxi in,
hold the brake, and the
Yankee turns around!
The long takeoff gives the
feeling of being in a
fighter. Roll down the
runway and at 60
indicated, start lifting
the nose. The nose comes
up but the mains stay on
the ground while the
airspeed builds. At about
65 mph the mains get light
and the aircraft flies
around 70. Keep the plane
in ground effect until 80
mph is reached and you
have a decent climb. Get
too slow and look for the
clearing at the end of the
runway. Patterns are the
same, fast and fun.
Downwind about 90 to 95
and final about 80. The
Yankee has flaps, not much
of flaps, but flaps. Stall
is around 64 mph without
flaps and 60 with flaps;
not a big difference in
speed, but the airplane
does have a solid feel
with the flaps.
Don't get behind the
"power curve." The Yankee
will sink like the
proverbial brick if you
let it. Carry power at all
times. This is good
practice for heavy,
high-performance aircraft
or many of the
Experimental aircraft on
the market. Keep the speed
up and keep the power
on... to keep the Yankee
in the air and make it
flyable. (My Smith
Miniplane does the same
thing, as does a Pitts S1,
Volksplane, and any number
of other aircraft.)
Make sure that landings
are mains first and not on
the nose. The "springy"
nose gear looks neat,
turns neat... and bounces
really high. In fact, it's
so bouncy that if you hit
the nose gear first, you
probably ought to make a
go-around right away. If
you try to save the
landing and start
bouncing, you get into an
oscillation that takes off
the gear and/or hits the
prop - not a nice claim on
your insurance.